Wicklow And The Powerscourt Gardens

Feb 10, 2011  –  ⁠,

A few months ago I went to Wicklow for a day trip, an area south of Dublin known for its beautiful nature. The first stop was at the Powerscourt Gardens.

Part of the gorgeous garden that lies in front of the main building.
Part of the gorgeous garden that lies in front of the main building.

One of the many attractions in Powerscourt is the animal cemetery that it hosts. In it a few dozens of loved pets and farm animals rest in peace.

One of the tombs read: “Eugenie, Jersey Cow, Died 1967 aged 17 years. She had 17 calves and produced over 100,000 gallons of milk.”.
One of the tombs read: “Eugenie, Jersey Cow, Died 1967 aged 17 years. She had 17 calves and produced over 100,000 gallons of milk.”.

There were dogs, cats, ponies and more cows accompanying Eugenie.

One of the two lakes of the State.
One of the two lakes of the State.

A defense tower that reminded me of props from my Warhammer days.
A defense tower that reminded me of props from my Warhammer days.

Feeling like a giant at the top of the tower.
Feeling like a giant at the top of the tower.

After the gardens we went to a medieval pilgrimage destination in the mountains.


This window in a half-destroyed edification is apparently famous and has appeared in movies like Monty Python and the Holy Grail but for the life of me I can’t remember seeing it.
This window in a half-destroyed edification is apparently famous and has appeared in movies like Monty Python and the Holy Grail but for the life of me I can’t remember seeing it.

After the monastery we went sightseeing through the wilderness stopping here and there to enjoy the views. I will finish the post with the nicest view of the trip:
