Bike ride through Dutch forests

Oct 10, 2023  –  ⁠,

A couple of days after Maastricht we went for a bike ride through a nearby forest. Loes observed that the cloudy light that day was something she had never seen outside of the Netherlands and that she misses now that she’s leaving abroad.

A windy and cloudy Dutch nature landscape.
A windy and cloudy Dutch nature landscape.

We came across older people riding touring bikes, younger bikers on road bikes and runners. If I lived near a park like this I would come exercise as frequently as I could. You’re inside a forest in the country side, it’s blissfully quiet and green.

We made two stops: one at a World War I fence at the Dutch - Belgium border that used to be electrified to prevent Belgians from escaping into neutral Netherlands, and another stop at a hundreds of years old abbey brewery.



More than one hour and 15km later, we had only gained 4m of elevation gain and despite the heavy touring bikes and the, at times, gravel and grass, I don’t think I broke a sweat.

The Netherlands, aka ‘Flat-Land’
The Netherlands, aka ‘Flat-Land’